
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Making the change...gradually!

When we moved in 5 months ago, we put Kallen in the bedroom that was closest to ours. We knew that eventually we would be having another little one, and when that time came we could switch rooms.

Well the time has come. I know we still have 5 months before this new little one makes his/her presence known, but I'm starting the feel the time crunch. I want everything situated and in it's place before summer hits, so I can relax (if possible) and enjoy the final months of this pregnancy.

That being said...over the the last week or so (hence the lack of posts this last week) we've gradually been moving things from Kallen's old room, to his new and improved "big boy room." We've got the decorations on the walls (most of them), clothes in the closet and dresser, and as many toys and books that would realistically fit! It is starting to take shape and I am quite proud of the work we did (Kallen was such a good helper!) We're not completely there, but definitely making progress. You see...Kallen had grown quite fond of his old room and was very comfortable in there. Naps and bedtime were no problem, and cuddling up in the rocker for story time was a favorite part of the day. I wanted him to feel the same connection with the new room before I threw in another monkey wrench...the big boy for now, he's got his trusty and familiar crib to sleep in. The plan is to have him sleep in his crib for a week or so to get familiar with the rest of the room, before we pull the plug and throw him into a bed! He already climbs up on, lays in, and plays on his new bed, so I'm hoping when the time comes to make the switch, it will be a much easier transition than I'm envisioning!

I know this isn't a very exciting post for all of you, but it's really exciting for us! I thought I'd add a few pictures so you could see where the little man will be spending his time now!!! Pictures always make a boring post more enjoyable...even though they're kind of boring pictures! Oh can't win 'em all!

Still no chair rail between the paint colors, but we're thinking about using rope! I know it sounds funny, but I think it will look really cool when it's done!

We've got some pictures for that wall, I just don't have them up yet, and the toy box will go where the crib is.

The window hanging rod yet so it's being held up by pins, but soon...right Kevin!!! (He's making one out of copper pipe, and it should be really neat when, and if he ever gets around to it!)

The throw pillows (little boys can have throw pillows, right)? Thanks mom for teaching me to sew all those years ago...I never knew how handy it would come in until I had kids!!! You're the best.

1 comment:

Mikaila said...

Too fun! Not a boring post at all. I love hearing about things like that. Woo hoo - progress! Where are you guys living now? I'm not even sure I knew you moved.
Love the new room! Also, the rope idea sounds awesome. =)