
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Holding Steady

Our little angel turned 8 months on Sunday, and I don't know where the time has gone! She continues to be the happiest baby I know, and always has a smile to share with everyone around her! Kallen is "captain grumpy pants" these days, so Kynz makes up for it by being "princess smiles-a-lot!"

Some stats that happen to be almost exactly the same as last month:
Weight: 16.8 pounds (same weight...huh)
Height: 27 3/4 inches (grown 1/4 of an inch)
Loves: Cheerios, sweet potatoes, baths and Kallen.
Hates: Being left alone, getting dressed, and not being able to reach whatever toy her brother is trying to keep from her!


Kallen 8 months (cause I always compare!)


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