
Monday, June 16, 2008

Momma on a Mission

Kallen has a fishing pole that lately has become one of his favorite things. The bright yellow and red pole is kid friendly and oh so fun. One of the wonderful features that came with said fishing pole, is the bright red rubber fish that attaches to the line. You see...we never have to put a hook on the pole and Kal still has a great time...I mean...he catches a fish every time, who wouldn't have fun with that???

Anyways...we were at the lake this weekend and Kallen was fishing away. First he was standing on the catwalk fishing, then he moved to the end of the dock. I was holding Kynlee and watching Kal's every move...that is until I turned around to see what the men were doing. Of course, right at that moment, I heard a loud "thud", then a "splash", followed by an "oh fishin' cole" I turned just in time to see the end of his beloved pole sink out of sight. Had I not had Kynlee in my arms, I might have dove in after it ( real...the water was only 68 degrees, and there was no way I was jumping in after a fishing pole, but it sounded good.)

So...the hours that followed were filled with lots of tears about the fish borrowing his fishing pole and not understanding why grandpa was going to help him pick out a new one, when he had a perfectly good and much loved pole simply sitting at the bottom of the lake. The water is about 20 or so feet deep right in front of the dock, so sometimes we have luck diving down and getting things, and let me tell you...many a thing has been dropped off the end of that dock...but weather/water conditions were not permitting such a the tears fell, and fell, and fell!

Well, what's a mother to do? I spent the next little bit, trying to search the property for something that might miraculously bring the pole to the surface. We thought of sticks with fishing line and sinkers, buckets tied to ropes, another pole with lots of hooks tied into it, and finally, our old family friend Pat, brought an old paint roller out of the back closet. I was quite the laughing stock as I tied the ski rope to the end of that roller, but I carried on. Kallen sat silent and still as he watched in anticipation...everyone else just with their hands over their faces to cover their snickers. I dropped the roller in, drug it one direction, then the next...nothing. My dad then suggests throwing it out, and dragging back to the dock. Okay...I tried that and announced to everyone that I felt a little tug. As I pulled up the line...something red was wrapped around the paint roller. My first reaction was that I pulled up some kind of plant or something, and that I was really going to get laughed at...but as I pulled it closer and closer...what do you know...THE FISH! All I heard behind me was "no way", and I pulled the remained line up along with THE FISHING POLE!!!!!!! I jumped and screamed in excitement as did Kallen. "You found it, you found my fishin' cole, yeah, yeah, yeah" was his exuberant response!

Everyone else just thought I should go buy a lottery ticket!!!



Laura said...

Yeah for the MOMMY!!!!!!!!!

Mikaila said...

GO super mommy!!!

(Very cute suit, by the way!)