
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Step Back Jack

Uh...what day is it today??? These past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for us, and I'm not even sure what we were doing!
It's cloudy, and a bit cold outside today, so it kind of seems fitting to step back a moment and gather ourselves before the sun comes back out, and yet again we find ourselves lost in the clear blue skies and warmth of the summer!

Since I'm not really sure what we were doing since I last posted...I thought I'd post some pictures of our most recent venture...Kevin's brother Mark and Colleen's wedding this last weekend!

Checking out the pond, and desperatly wanting to go swimming

Kynz kept trying to climb over the rocks and into the water...something about 95 degree weather was making her want to get wet!!!

Since I wouldn't let her get into the pond...I found her hiding behind the truck, like this! She's absolutely drenched by the sprinkler if you can't tell, and in case you are wondering...I wasn't just letting her wander around. I was dealing with a little attitude problem with my oldest on the other side of the truck, and had been continually asking my nephew if he could still see Kynlee and if she was okay! He kept saying "yep...she's sitting right here!" Okay worries! I walked around the truck, found her like this, and turned around to see the entire family staring out a window in anticipation for my reaction. They had been watching lil' miss soak up the water, for quite some time and found it rather humorous...especially since we were headed to dinner after this "short, little stop". What do you do???

Sopping wet, and loving it!

A little pre ceremony love!

The beautiful new sister-in-law Colleen

The cousins...from oldest to youngest; Austin, Kaitlyn, Kaleb, Logan, Garrett, Kallen & Kynlee

My boys...roasting in the sun

The brothers...screwing off as usual!

First family picture since Kynlee was born...she's so excited, she's cheering!

Beautiful girl, in a beautiful dress...makes for a beautiful picture!

Reading the program, to try and pass the time!

I'm not sure how he never got wet...cause perched on a rock staring at the pond was were Kallen was every time I looked at him!

Kynlee kept trying to figure out what was so fascinating about the pond

Just before the ceremony started, I gave Kallen his instructions once again, which were simply to follow his cousins Garrett and Logan, down the isle to daddy! I then proceeded to tell G and L, that if Kallen decided to do his own thing, that they should continue on down the isle and ignore him. As was to be expected...things didn't go as smoothly as one could have imagined, but it was cute anyways. I was too busy trying to get things back in order to take pictures of the entire sequence...but let me lay it out for you a little:

Kallen walking towards the isle in the middle of his two cousins. He decides he doesn't want to walk anymore, and stops dead in his tracks. Poor cousin's aren't sure what to do, so one continues on as instructed, while the other stays back to try and get Kallen to keep moving. I finally caught Garrett and Logans eyes and told them to keep walking, while Kallen just stood and stared.

The flower girls then proceeded towards the isle, passing Kallen up with his slow, saunter. Kaitlyn (whose been in more weddings then she can probably count and is basically a professional flower girl)...subtly voiced to Kallen to keep coming and follow her.

Her instructions seemed to go unnoticed as the girls proceeded with the task at hand...leaving Kallen in the dust.

Oh wait...there he is, bringing up the rear and making a grand entrance indeed

and since he now was the only one walking down the isle at the time...his attempt to dig out multiple treasures from his nose, did not go unnoticed by anyone!

and once he finally made it to his daddy...the bubble he found along the way, became his entertainment throughout the ceremony, and created lovely ambiance as well!!!

We had a blast, but are definitely glad to be home! Until next time...enjoy this little bit of us, to tide you over!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Beautiful pictures of everyone. I love Kallen! He cracks me up in everything he does:)