
Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's all in the Links

Wow...has it really been that long since I posted something? I'm such a slacker! Actually I've got an excuse, honest!!! Would you believe me if I told you that I was out of the country? Well I was! I've mentioned before that my sister and her husband are currently living overseas with their two small boys and that my darling husband would never in a million years let me travel over to see her! Well apparently a million years passed, because I got to go!

Dani's husband Joey and I schemed, plotted and lied our way into a surprise visit for my sister! I was amazed that we actually pulled it off, and so glad we did! If you want to, you can read all about the surprise here!

I've been home a week now, and still feel a little out of sorts! I've got lots to do, and no time to do it, but what's new?

Anyways, I had a fabulous trip and if you'd like to see the pictures, you can check out this facebook link!
...and if you don't want to see the whole are a few to wet your whistle!


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