
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Momma Needa a Whole Lotta Willpower

As a new year is upon us, many things begin fresh and new! Every year I think of resolutions that only end a few days after I begin them! I have good intentions, but no willpower. No willpower to finish something I start when it gets a little hard, no willpower to not eat, when I've resolved to lose some weight, etc. etc. Well...this year is hopefully going to be different!

* Play more with my kids
* Eat more fruits and veggies...okay, just eat better...I truly eat junk
* Go on a date with Kevin at least once a month
* and...dare I officially say it...yup, to run a half marathon! This from the NON runner!!! I will run 13+ miles in June, when I can barely run 2 miles now...I can do it, I can do it, I WILL do it!!!

Play more with the kids, and dates nights with Kevin...those should be fun! Eating better, and running a half marathon...not so fun! Insert Willpower!!!

Speaking of willpower. We are participating in a week of prayer and fasting...Sunday through Sunday! If there is anytime for willpower, now is the time! We're going on 34 hours...only 134 more hours to go!!!


ellie said...

I am running the half May 2nd here in eugene. just started training if you want to get on board! It would be fun.

Kati said...

I'm in!!! I plan on running the pacific crest half June I'll just run both!!! Does it count if I put the 2 together and say I've ran a full?????? lol!