
Monday, July 19, 2010

The One Where Kynlee is a Princess...oh wait, a Diva

Many years ago...okay, actually, truth be told, I think they only stopped 2 or 3 years dad, Stew and Pat (the men of the lake), used to build a pyramid on skies every 4th of July weekend.  We'd put flags on the boats, Stew (the top man) would hold a flag, and we'd drive around the lake waving and honking!  It's a part of 4th of July that I'll always remember, and if I had pictures, you'd all see how special it was too.  Well now, these late 50's men's backs don't hold up to such shenanigans and they've left the 4th of July "show" to the rest of the people on the lake.  It's never been as exciting as "The Pyramid"...a few boats idling around with red, white and blue splashed all over them, honking and celebrating Independence day!  But can you beat 50 year old men building a ski pyramid...seriously?

Anyways...this year, our very own Kynlee was asked to join the "parade"!  Everyone gets a kick out of her skiing and waving around the lake, so what better thing to have in a boat parade than a skiing princess?!?!

Our little princess turned out to be more like a Diva...but I wouldn't have expected anything less!!!

Sporting Nema's patriotic "dress", ready for the parade

Right off the bat telling Papa where to go
The waving begins
Then the fit throwing began because apparently papa wasn't going fast enough
She was convinced her "pony" was going to fall out, so she held it for most of the ride
Then the scowl began as I was trying to explain that it wouldn't fall out
After realizing the "pony" was in fact not going to fall out...she gave us a quick "I Love You"
Big brother showed his patriotism as well
Oh there you are Kal
more waving
and a bit of trick riding as well!
After the parade, I made Kallen get on the ski...and he was Thrilled
okay...he was thrilled after we got going
So thrilled he didn't want to stop
and Kynlee pouted because her turn was over

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