
Tuesday, January 2, 2007

We need more arms

So here I am, getting my first reality check about the new baby! My friend Brandy needed a favor today, and asked me to watch her 4 month old son Dawson.

Isn't he the cutest!!! Anyways...of course I said yes, not exactly sure what the day would have in store for me. I was most pleasantly surprised, but did get a little taste of what it will be like when the new baby arrives!!! For 14 months now, Kallen has been the only one. All my attention is focused on him, and my arms are always available for that precious hug he needs every now and then...or just to hold him. He hasn't had to face the problem of me holding another baby in my arms, trying to get lunch ready, and having him tug on my legs to get up. It would sure be nice to have four arms. One to hold each child, and the other two to get things done. I might send a memo up to God to share my suggestions with him. Four or more arms is the way to go, especially for moms and dads! Kallen was faced with that, and it was pretty interesting. Kallen reverted to being a little baby, which was much to be expected. When Dawson was in the swing, Kallen would walk over, and try to pull him out, so he could get in the swing himself. If Dawson was laying on a blanket playing with a rattle or something, Kallen wanted to lay on the blanket and play (with the exact same toy D had of course!) It was pretty comical actually.

I will say that having two little ones around will definitely help keep me skinny. I've done more acrobatic moves today than I've done since I was a little tyke myself. Holding D in my arms, and pushing Kallen around on his little truck with one foot, while hopping on the other foot must have been a hilarious sight for the neighbors!!!

All in all, we had a good day, and things went off without a hitch. Not too many jealous tears were shed from either child, and D's face is still in tack. (Kallen tends to try and rip other babies faces off). We all took naps at the same time, and took turns in mommy and auntie Kati's arms!

The only thing that got neglected was the house work. Today was laundry day, so I guess I'll start that when Kallen goes to bed, and I might take a real quick grocery trip in between loads. If that's all that didn't get done, I guess I did pretty good for my first day with two little munchkins. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it with more and more practice.

So...can I be ready for two little ones after only one day of practice. Huh...maybe Brandy will let me borrow Dawson a few more days before baby number two comes!!!


Mark & Lani said...

I agree! We DO need more arms! I'm so excited for you guys, though! What fantastic news! We'll be praying for this pregnancy to smoothly for you. It's amazing how tired you are after chasing your current little one all day long! Take naps and ignore the house--you can clean during your second trimester when, supposedly, your energy kicks in! :) Yeah right! :)

Anonymous said...

Man, that's a cute little guy...must have a really cute mommy!!! You're awsome Kati, and a GREAT MOM!!!