
Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Little Light-Headed!

For as long as I can remember, I've had long hair. Kevin is very open about the fact that he likes my hair long, and that he's not a fan of shorter hair cuts and styles. I've always tried to honor him and keep my hair a length that he liked...afterall...don't we all want to look good in our husbands eyes??? Anyways...Now having 2 kids and no time to style my "mop"...I always ended up getting out of the shower, throwing my hair in a bun of sorts, and going on my merry way.

I began feeling "frumpy" and a little "blah" about the whole situation. My hair is extremely thick and adding to that is the length, so...going to the salon is basically a half day trip. Therefor, I never go. I think the last time I went in even for a trim was 12 months ago, and the last time I had it colored was 6 or so years ago. Coloring a "mop" like mine can get rather pricey. Anyways...I finally requested to Kevin that I get a! My hair had gone from this, several years ago when I actually took care of it...

To this, as captured from my cellphone, minutes before the cut...

Though reluctant...he said "whatever makes you happy". Actually...If I'm being quite honest...when I left that morning, I combed my fingers through my hair and said "take a good look...this is the last time you'll see my hair this long". Kevin then chuckled, pointed to his wedding ring and said "if you chop it off...take a good look, this is the last time you'll see this!" He was kidding of course, but we definitely had a good laugh!

Anyways...My day of pampering was a amazing, as I mentioned before...and after 4 hours of cutting, coloring and styling, my hair now looks like this...

or this...

You know...whatever I'm feeling at the time! And yes, for those of you who are wondering...I did donate my "remanents" to Locks of Love!!! I Love my new hair, and I can't believe how easy it actually is each morning! I've got a little sas back in my life, and Kevin actually really likes it!!! So there you have it!!!



Laura said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks great. I've only known you with long hair, but I really like the short. And I know what you mean of needing a change from the daily bun. Short hair can be so much fun!!

Lani said...

I love it! SO FUN!

Anonymous said...

Your haircut is so cute!

Mikaila said...

It looks so different and SO GOOD! You're right about the sas - super cute. :o)

The Copeland's said...

Looks great!!!!