
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Splash of Sunshine

Here in Oregon...we get rain! It's just a thing we get! Some places get snow, some sun...we get rain! Okay, so not nearly as much as I used to think as a kid, but we definitely have more rain than I would like. The rain is so wet, dreary and depressing...who could ever enjoy it???

Anyways...every once in a while, the dark looming clouds stop releasing precipitation, they part like the Red Sea, and clear bright blue skys abound! Last week was one of those rare occasions, and since it hardly ever happens around her, we decided to take advantage of it...big time! I think we were only home for a few hours each day, and even then we were outside riding bikes, playin' games, and diggin' in the sandbox! It was so much fun!

Now as I hear the pitter patter on the roof top, and stare at the drops of water sliding down the window, I decided to reflect on our week of sunshine...through pictures...but since we were having so much fun and didn't have time for pictures...our day at the water fountain will have to suffice!


1 comment:

Tricia said...

hey kati! i found your blog through michelle's. looks like you had tons of fun at the fountain. i love the post on your hair! i'm so proud of you. the first chop is the hardest. then the hardest becomes not chopping. love your blog!