
Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Short List!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours...Hope you had a "rockin" time!

I know, I know...not the best family picture, but if you can see past the "turkey coma" looks on our faces, and the knuckle deep fingers, so delicately see our "rockin" shirts...which actually happen to be the main reason for this picture!

Okay, a little blurb about the shirts...While in Texas for the MOPS convention this October, I was really drawn to this cute little gal and her designer T-Shirts! I had the opportunity to talk with her, and was really impressed with the premise behind her shop. She designs shirts for men and women that display a positive image of marriage, and I just couldn't resist coming home with shirts for all of us. She said that she had such a good response from the Men's and women's T-Shirts, that she decided to make kids shirts as well...My shirt says, "My Husband Rocks", Kynlee's says "Daddy Rocks (Mommy's Right), Kevin's says "My Wife Rocks" (Which he wears proudly by the way!!!), and Kallen's says "Mommy Rocks (Daddy's Right), in reference to his daddy's shirt of course! Anyways...I just love these shirts, and I love the reaction we get when we wear them, so I had to get a picture of all of us in them, even if we're half asleep and have fingers in our noses!!! Go get some for yourself...

So...I just wanted to say again, hope you all had a "rockin" thanksgiving!

Also...since it is thanksgiving, I'd like to share my short list (simply because I'd be here all night if I included everything) of thanks!!!

~ My kids, my kids, my kids...I love them so much, and am so thankful for the joy they bring me each and every day!

~ My hubby of course! I mean, how can I not be thankful for the guy who willingly wears the "My Wife Rocks" shirt!!!

~ MOPS...New friends and new ideas, what's not to be thankful for!

ummm...let's see, what else

~Change...and not in the political sense of the newly catch phrased word, but just change in general! Kevin and I have made a lot of changes in our lives, our priorities, our attitudes, and it really feels great!

~ and since I got this cute picture to represent it...I'm thankful for my kids relationship with my grandma, their "Gigi" (you know, for Great Grandma!!!) Kallen absolutely adores her, and instantly lights up the minute she walks into the room, and since Kynlee does anything Kallen does...the adoration for GiGi is definitely being passed down! I am so blessed to still have both sets of my grandparents in my life, and even more blessed that my children get to know them as well! Nothing gets better than this!

~ Oh, and I'm also thankful for the news I'm not quite at liberty to share yet!!!

So...there you have short list of Thanks!

But Kallen wins the short list contest. When asked what he was thankful for this year, he responded with a bold, and definite "Ellie...I thankful for Ellie"!



M said...


Loved the short-list (: Loved the family picture too! (Can't wait to hear the one you couldn't mention!)


The Copeland's said...

Can't wait to hear the unmentioned!!!

Mikaila said...

I can't wait to hear the news you're not allowed to share. :)


And Kallen's thankful list. ;)

Suzanne said...

Found you from a blog and a blog and then another blog. Decided I had to comment when I saw MckMama's logo (big follower) and those amazinf t-shirts. I gotta get one for Christmas! Thanks so much (I loved MOPS when I was in it!)
CountryMom (Suzanne)

Julie said...

I've popped in from time to time on your blog... found you off of Amy-oh-my -- and I just ordered some shirts :) So cute, and an awesome way to display how great marriage can be! Thanks ~ Julie D.