
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do!!!

Discipline is a constant battle in our house right now. What works, what doesn't, how long, how often, what consequence for what behavior, etc. etc??? Anyways...our typical "sit against the wall until the timer goes off" time out...has recently ended in a 3 minute screaming fit about anything and everything...every time!

So...we decided to try something new. If a certain offense is "time out" worthy, the kids place their nose against the wall and stand there until we say it's time to move. No fits, no fidgeting, no face off the wall! So far, it's working like a charm!

The first time Kallen experienced said punishment however, he threw a larger than life fit, and I ended up holding him "in position" to show him how to properly stand against the wall. Well...dear sweet miss Kynlee, immediately walked over, said some gibberish to Kal, and proceeded to place her hands and nose on the wall, as if to show him how to do it.

Well, a few days later, Kynlee was tugging away at my clothes, trying with all her might to tell me something though I never quite understood. After failing to help me understand, she drug me to the refrigerator, stuffed monkey in hand, and proceeded to point up to the "spanker". Reluctantly, I handed it to her, just to see what she wanted it for.

Silly me...she sat down, laid the monkey over her legs, said some words that encouraged it to "no do dat adain", proceeded to give it a gentle yet firm spank on the "buns" and stood up. Well, she told him I thought...Nope, that was only half of it. She immediately then walked over the the wall, and shoved the monkeys face into it, all the while still repeating those words "no do dat adain"!

Apparently the monkey must have hit someone, then talked back in order to warrant such a punishment!!! Not just a time out, and not just a spanking...poor guy got both. Hopefully he won't do "that" again!!!


1 comment:

Lani said...

So funny!!! I love it! I have been considering a "time out" similar to that with our kiddos. Otherwise, they look around, roll around and talk to eachother.