
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What Can Your 2 Year Old Do...???

...mine can drive...or crash rather! joke. Our little munchkin decided to take the excursion out for a drive the other day!

Okay, here's the real story!

Kallen likes to "drive" my car. He sits in the driver seat, bounces up and down on his knees, turns the steering wheel in all directions, and goes through the motions of actually driving. (pretend key in ignition, adjust the thermostats, check the radio, pretend put the car in gear...and we're off). No harm, no foul right!

Well, Saturday morning, Kevin was in the backseat of my car adjusting carseats and playing with Kynlee, while Kallen was "driving"! Unbeknownst to Kevin, Kal had found the spare key, put it in the ignition, and turned it into the auxiliary position. (As a side note...most cars have a safety mechanism that only allows you to put it into gear if you have the brake depressed. Kallen can't reach the brake at the same time as the gear shifter, so no worries! Well...little did we know, that in the "auxiliary mode", the "safety mechanism" is bypassed, and you are able to shift the car into gear).

So...can you guess??? Yup...Kallen turned the key to auxilary, pulled the car into drive, and since it wasn't running or anything, it acted as if it were in neutral...and down the driveway she went. Now...we have a slight, and I mean slight, slope to our short driveway, so the damage was minimal...but it could have been worse...A LOT WORSE!

The garage door is a little smashed up, but Kevin seems to think he's fixed it now...and no one was behind it when the big crash happened. Like I could have been a lot worse!

We thought Kallen didn't fully realize what had happened until he was sitting in the drivers seat later that day (no key in site), with gear shift in hand, looked back at me, and said "you ready to go backwards mommy?"


1 comment:

Lani said...

Oh my goodness! That's too funny! Andrew can drive my mom's jeep and start our car. One more reason we keep the keys out of reach! HA! Glad to hear no one was hurt!