
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shoot Me Now

Yesterday was my sister Danilelle's 30th birthday, and did I call her...nope! Oops! I already shared this story with her, but since I feel like the worse sister in the whole wide world, I figured I should let you all in on the craziness of my brain as well!

You children were up at 5:00 yesterday morning, and since no one in their right mind should really be up at that time...I wasn't too thrilled. I made the best of it, and sat down to my computer to check emails and look at the blogs I failed to the day before. The clock on the computer said 6:04 as I began singing happy birthday to Danielle in my head. I felt that it was too early to wake her family, so I made a mental note to call her at a more decent time of day!

Later that morning our friend Laura, one of my sister's best friends and my near sister as well, called and mentioned that she was just talking to Danielle, yadda yadda, and on and on our conversation went. The mention of my sister didn't trigger anything, nor did the phone call itself, because it just so happens that yesterday was Laura and Levi's wedding anniversary as well, and did I say anything to anyways!

My mom later called and asked if I had spoken with Dani yet, and since my sister and I have been talking a lot on the phone lately, I didn't think anything of it.

I went throughout the day carrying out various tasks and doing my normal crazy mommy/housewife tasks with not a thought on my mind except for the seafood buffet that I had promised my neighbors I would try out with them later that night(not a big seafood fan here, in fact the thought of seafood used to turn my stomach...though I'm happy to say that I actually quite enjoyed the food...maybe a story for another time!)

Anyways, we got home just in time to roll into bed at 11:00 and begin our nice night of peaceful slumber. Then suddenly without any warning at all...a light bulb flashes and I awoke with a panic that I had indeed forgot to call her! Not an email, not a phone call...Shoot me now!

So here I am begging and pleading that my sister forgive me and accept this as a token of my undying love for her! I love you Danielle, and Happy 30th Birthday!

PS...I had this sappy post all planned out, but since that too slipped my mind, and since her husband is giving her a birth-week instead of a birth'll just have to tune back in tomorrow as I profess my love for my darling big sister!!!


1 comment:

Melody C. Bondurant said...

Why is it, every time I read your blog I can TOTALLY relate. There have been many a days where that happens to me...and speaking of birthdays in particular, there's a lot of them so I should be getting better at this...but truly the lack of sleep one gets when having small children, has an effect.

p.s. I have to admit I was brought to laughing tears when I read your 30 random things list...especially #20.