
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two Kiddos, Two Smiles...finally!

I know...don't all gasp at the same time, but I, queen of a million pictures a month, haven't been taking any pictures lately. Mostly because my children refuse...and yes, I mean refuse to have anything to do with the camera, but also because there doesn't seem to be any time. Anyways, I've tried being sneaky and pulling the camera out at the last minute, I've tried putting things on my head and acting goofy, and I've even tried bribes...but to no avail. I either get screams, or the backs of heads, and after a couple hundred pictures of the backs of their heads, I'm pretty sure I'll remember what a head w/ hair looks like in a few years, and there isn't really a need to get any more of those "precious" shots. So...I've quit for a while. Just plain quit taking pictures.

Well, Sunday we went as a family to the Pumpkin Patch, and even during my photography strike, if you will, I had to take the camera...You've got to get pictures of the pumpkin patch, right! Well, I got Kal, when I told him to turn around and smile (before he knew I had the camera)...

and I got Kynz in her typical, fingers in the mouth, act like I don't hear you pose. All the acting silly, and making funny noises, never fazed her...but the goat looks amused!

So...after finally picking our pumpkins (Kallen wanted a small one he could carry, but they were all bigger than an elephant, so we had to settle on one we could carry together), I picked up the kids, set them on a pumpkin, which amused them long enough to back up, call their names and "shoot"! cute are they! Finally...a picture with them both looking, no fingers in Kynlee's mouth, and smiles ta butte! Yes...maybe I won't retire my camera after all!



Jamee said...

Oh my gosh that picture is so stinkin cute!

Jamee said...

Forgot to mention, I love the pebbles look!! She's so cute.

Lani said...

Yay for two smiling kids! And yay for the pebbles look! That's what we've got going, too!

M said...

Congrats Kati!!! Now you can join my club --"Mommies who take WAY TOO MANY pictures!"


BruceandBarbara said...

Such cute kids!