
Wednesday, February 7, 2007


What's the deal with teeth? We obviously need them right (or at least they tend to make life a whole lot easier), so why are we battling our whole lives to either get them in the first place, or to keep them once they're here?

When a baby is born their little teeth have yet to "come in", so they spend the first couple of years of their life painfully "growing" them. Then, once they're in, it's only a few short years before they painfully start falling out. The next step is for these precious babes to walk around with gaping holes and toothless smiles before their "permanent" teeth begin to appear. Permanent? That's not always the case now is it. Those nice "permanent" teeth that we spend the majority of our lives taking care of, may or may not fall out when we reach a certain age of uh.......wisdom! Then it's up to our darling dentist to mold a set of teeth that we can remove when we don't need them and put back in at the desired times. Huh...some system! Thanks God for that one!!!

I'm on this rant and rave because our little man is having quite the fight with his molars, and I just wish I could do something to speed up the process. Why does it have to take so long? Just a few weeks ago he had 3...yes 3 molars coming in at the same time. His gums were swollen and red, nose running from here to Texas, and was constantly swatting at and rubbing the side of his cheek. Poor little guy. Two of those teeth FINALLY broke through and I thought life would get easier. sooner were those teeth fully in position, when 2 more blasted molars started creeping to the surface. Well...this battle can't go on forever...can it???

1 comment:

Lani said...

I hear ya on the teeth! SHEESH! Andrew is cutting ALL (not one, or two or three...but ALL) his molars at once. Fever, runny nose, swollen gums, rosey cheeks, horribly messy diapers and even some occasional vomiting have been our daily ritual. *sigh* But, you're right...this battle has to end at SOME point. RIGHT?!? RIGHT?!? :)