
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Washing machines spin...fancy that!

So yesterday while I was doing laundry, Kallen decided to help. Okay, so nothing new...he helps every time I do laundry. Well, I left the door to the washing machine open while I went to get the next load, and this is how I found him when I got back. The picture doesn't actually show the kicking legs that were helping propel him up and inside, but the diving headfirst shot might give you an idea of where this is all heading (no pun intended).

I sat there quietly watching with my camera in hand for the next great move my son would make. Sure enough he got all the way inside the drum of the washer and managed to turn himself around. No sooner had he turned around and faced out when that silly drum moved. Now he was scared, it wasn't all fun and games anymore. He looked at me like "why did you make it move mom?", and did everything he could to try and crawl out. I helped him to safety, and all was well! I don't think he'll be heading into the washer again anytime soon. Just in case however...Now I'll be checking the machine for rugrats every time I do a load of laundry!


Mikaila said...

Too funny!! I remember one time when Jordan was helping me do laundry and I was handing him things out of the dryer and he was putting them in the basket. Mind you, these are CLEAN clothes. I handed him a shirt and a pair of underwear and he picked the underwear up by the tips of his thumb and finger and wrinkled his nose in disgust. I looked at him and said, "You are too young to care about underwear!"
Those little helpers sure do provide laughs. =)

Lani said...

I loved reading this! Too much fun! He has such a great personality. :)