
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Bookcase Sounds Good, Right about Now!

Sleep is an amazing thing, and it would be that much more amazing if I actually got to experience it!!!

Now, don't get me wrong...I go to bed at a decent time (normally no later than 10:00), and I'm able to fall asleep and drift off into a wonderful dreamy slumber. Until... the crying/screaming/thrashing begins roughly an hour later, and continues on through the night!

Yes...Kallen is not sleeping. I think I've told you all before a little about the little man's sleeping issues, but it's gotten so bad that we have a call into the pediatrician for a referral to the sleep specialist. If I'm not functioning on the amount of sleep I'm getting, then how in the world do I expect my 2 1/2 year old to function either?

I've been trying to figure out just what could be bothering him, and possible solutions to get him into a more restful sleep, but to no avail. We've tried white noise, black out fabric on the windows, no naps, shorter naps, even longer naps, no TV, no me, we've tried it all, and the only thing that seems to work is Benedryl or Motrin right before bed. Sorry...I'm not going to give him Benedryl every night just to get him to sleep better, there has got to be another way! It's been so long now, that his lack of sleep has compounded and I'm half expecting to find him like this one day...At least he'd be sleeping, right!!!

For the longest time, I've been thinking he was waking up with "night terrors", and that it was "just a phase he would grow out of" (doctors words). While it bothered me, I knew there wasn't really anything we could do about it. Now that I've kept a sleeping journal of sorts for the kiddo this last week or so...I'm not convinced!

Anyways...we're all cranky, feisty, irritable and just plain not fun to be around right don't pity me, just be praying for sleep to find it's way into our house!

*update: As I was posting this, I looked over and found Kal on the couch like this! He's thrashing a bit, mumbling, and being just plain restless, but his eyes are closed, and he's unresponsive, so as far as I'm concerned...he's asleep enough for me!



Erin said...

What about restless leg syndrome?

Laura said...

praying for your whole family!

BruceandBarbara said...

You know, I was thinking restless leg syndrome and whadoyouknow Erin already mentioned it. Bruce had that sooo bad until he was treated for underactive thyroid (TMI?). He suffered terribly. I will be praying for Kallen and of course for you too. It's so hard when your little ones struggle.
PS I haven't checked out your blog in a while and it has a new, cute look. The pictures of your family are so great and your children are gorgeous!