
Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Boys have 'Wienies', Girls don't..."

...and as entirely inappropriate as that may be, a true fact it is!

You see...I've been laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants (okay, not that hard...but a laugh I couldn't control none the less), and of course I was crouched down on the floor behind the kitchen cabinets so as to not be noticed by two adorable 3 and nearly 3 year olds! Why was I laughing so hard you might ask...well...I was witnessing something for the movies, a forwarded email, or maybe even youtube somewhere, but something I definitely never thought I'd witness myself.

You know the whole..."I'll show you mine if you show me yours?" Yeah, well, in not so many words, that is the conversation I witnessed not 10 minutes ago between our dear sweet Kallen and his lovely Ellie!

Kallen had said "he" in reference to something Ellie did, and she ever so politely informed Kallen that she was a girl, not a boy. Kallen responded by saying, "no, you're a boy". Well...Ellie then proceeded to tell him that she was girl because "boy's have wienies, and girls don't", and since she didn't have a "wieny", then she was in fact a girl. Oh my dear didn't stop there. She then proceeded to pull down her pants and show Kallen that indeed she did not have the necessary male parts, to which he responded by pulling down his pants and showing that he was equip with said male parts!

They laughed a little, giggled a little and proceeded to sit down and talk about the subject a little more and about how boys work, and girls stay home and have babies (something we have not even talked about with our children, nor are we "pushing" on them in any way shape or form, however it just so happens to be the situation in both of our homes, and it what they both "know"). Anyways, I chose to remain in my hiding spot as to not make a big deal of this curiosity between friends and the conversation eventually dissipated and drifted into other things.

Kids sure make me laugh!!!



Erin said...

That is TOO funny!! O just recently noticed his "boy parts" and loves to tug at them when he is naked, i got plenty of pictures to torture him with when he is a teenager!

Lani said...

And people wonder why we have kids! Its for the entertainment, of course! Love it! Several months ago I had Andrew & Tori in the tub together (we no longer do that for this very reason) when I heard Andrew scream at Tori, "NO, SISTER! That's MY pee-pee and you can't have it!!" When I went into the bathroom, there Tori was tugging on Andrew's pee-pee. Kids are great!

BruceandBarbara said...

That is hilarious Kati! My grown guys like to hear funny stories about themselves as little guys (and I have plenty of them!) so make sure and write that one down for the ages! Too cute!
PS You're a good mom for not screaming and pitchn' a fit. You could have scarred (and scared) them for life!