
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Of Course...Why Didn't I Look There?

The other day I was taking a shower and left the kids on my bed, watching a movie (I know, I know...turn me in to the authorities). Anyways, I really don't worry about them too much, because they tend to stay put, and when Kallen gets down, he normally just goes out into the other room, and plays with his toys.

Well, this time I got out of the shower to find Kallen playing with my diamond earrings and necklace that used to be sitting on the counter, next to the sink! My jewelry tends to be off limits because there is nothing worse than needing a certain ensemble and only being able to find one earring because the other is in the bottom of the toy chest or something. This case was no different. As I looked at the new found "toy" Kallen had, I noticed only 1 earring. Now, I already mentioned that these weren't any old dime store earrings...they were a very sentimental gift from my lovely husband, so you can imagine how happy I was!

After searching all around his play area, the floor of the bathroom, and even in the garbage next to the cabinet I concluded that it must be down the drain. Being that my husband is a plumber and all...drains are no problem. I put a towel in the sink so I would remember to not use the water, and waited for "my husband, my hero" to come home and rescue my precious diamond!!!

When Kevin got home, he and Kallen worked together on the drain to try and find my earring. After taking it all apart, and searching it through and through...nothing. Then Kevin did a novel thing...he looked at Kallen and said "Hey buddy...what did you do with mommies earring?" Without hesitation, Kallen walked over to the door jam, pointed to the latch hole and announced "it's right here"! Oh...of course...that was the next place I was going to look!

The problem in our case is that instead of carving out the door jam to place the latch plate, our latch holes are completely hollow leaving a nice empty space for small little objects to be lost for all eternity!

No worries though...handy man plumber is removing the door jam for me so we can get my earring, and any other precious little treasures we find lurking inside the wall!!!

When all else fails...ask the kid who did it!!!


1 comment:

Laura said...

I LOVE it!!! Good job at remembering where you put it Kallen:)