
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Lamb Whisperer

The kids and I took an outing to our local lambing barns yesterday and all I can say is "cuteness"!

From the moment we walked in, Kallen was mesmerized with the animals. He kept walking from pen to pen saying "hi sheep...c'mere sheep". Amazingly enough...the little lambs kept walking up to Kal and letting him pet and love all over them (yes, we basically sanitized his whole body when we left!!!)



Lani said...

Super cute! I wish we had known about this sooner (I just found out about it last night) we would have come down and checked it out! Oh well--next year maybe!

Kim said...

Love these pictures and I bet they you all had a blast!

I tagged you also

Tiffany MacDonald said...

The pictures are so adorable. They both are growing up so very fast. We really should get together soon!