
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sleep...What's That?

Okay, so this may be a lengthy post that quite possibly will seem like a pity party, but the reality is...I need/want to document this sleep deprived last few weeks, and needed a place to vent. Here I go...venting away...oh...and it's a little be warned!

So...We'll begin back on Tuesday the 11th. Kallen woke up in the middle of the night screaming. I got him up, took him to the bathroom and laid him back down. A few minutes later he began screaming again and since I knew he didn't have to go to the bathroom, I let him cry himself back to sleep and didn't think anything of it. We left that morning for MOPS, and as we were getting out of the car Kallen looked at me with an "uh oh" look and threw up all over the sidewalk. Okay...turn the car around...lets head home! Turns out I went in to make his bed when we got home (since we were running kind of late and I didn't get a chance to do it before MOPS), he had thrown up all over sometime in the middle of the night (hence the screaming...).

Wednesday and Thursday he seemed to be fine, though he wasn't eating hardly anything at all (yes...even less than he normally does). Then Thursday night, after Kevin and I basically forced the little guy to eat dinner...he walked into the kitchen, looked at me with that same "uh oh" look and threw up yet again! Okay...I guess he is sick!

So began the sleeplessness! That night Kallen was up 3 or 4 times crying, screaming, and not sure what he wanted. Night 1.

Then Friday night around 11:30, Kynlee woke up screaming and Kevin and I found her face down in a pile of throw up. She had it in her ears, face, and all over her jammies and bed. We changed her and her bedding and not 10 minutes later...more throw up. This went on all night every 30 minutes or so until around 6:30 Saturday morning. The poor thing was throwing up so much we nearly took her to the ER since the "dry heaves" really weren't producing anything. Night 2.

Saturday, Kevin began to get sick and spent all day between his bed and hugging the porcelain goddess! He was not doing well! Now I'm dealing with a sick husband, 2 sick kiddos, and 1 healthy friend who I tried to keep "sanitized" all weekend as to not spread on the germs (We had Dawson for the weekend so his mom and dad could spend a special weekend together at the coast.) That night Kallen woke up around midnight needing to go to the bathroom...and boy did he. The poor little guy had gotten diarrhea. We were up every hour after that using the bathroom. Night 3.

Okay...most of the messiness out of the way now! No more throw up, and the the other stuff cleared up after a day or too as well...the sleep however...has never been the same.

Since that weekend, my precious children have been up at least 3 times a night each and rarely at the same time. That basically means I have been up 6 times a night for the past 2 weeks. Can you do the math on the amount of sleep I am NOT getting! AHHHH! Fast forward to Night 13!

I love my children, but I also love my sleep! Come on little ones...a little sleep would be nice.



Anonymous said...

Oh, sleep deprivation! It's the worst! Glad you could vent. I hope sleeps finds you soon!

Lani said...

Oh, Kati--that's the worst! Hang in there! I hope you get sleep SOON!

Laura said...

Oh Kate~ I feel your pain! I will pray that sleep comes soon and that the little amount you are getting now is at least awesome while you are getting it. Just remember this too shall pass!

The Copeland's said...

I am so sorry! We did that same thing in the middle of January, it was AWFUL!!! I hope you are all feeling better!!