
Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer "time" or lack there of!!!

I've decided that trying to keep up this blog along with the many other things going on this summer, is going to be rather hard. I'm constantly on the go, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and although I want to keep you all updated on my day to day ramblings...the time just slips away. I hope you all understand!!!

This blog is as much for me as it is for those of you who read it, so I'm definitely trying to find the time...I need the escape!

That all being's the past week in a nutshell

* Got a bunch of plants from my aunts nursery and planted them in the front yard. Finally the front is looking like we've purposely tried to do something with the space!
* Kallen and the little neighbor girl Ellie (7 months his senior) have become quite close buds...always wanting to play together in the dirt and rocks between our houses. We keep joking that we'll have to watch those two in the upcoming years!!!
* We've had several days of contractions, but nothin' happening beyond that. At our doctors appointment on Tuesday, she said things are progressing great, and everything looks good! She also thinks the baby is about the size Kallen was at this point, so that's good...not too big we hope (especially with the VBAC and all!)
* I had our second to last quilting class before the "mystery" will be solved. By the way...I'm having so much fun with this that I think I'll have to do another!
* and, Just this morning Kevin's cousin came by to finally get the new culvert in the backyard...Yes...backfill again!!! (I'll show pictures of the work in progress later)

I guess that's all the major stuff aside from all the miscellaneous running of errands and cleaning the house. We should have a nesting instinct that kicks in at least once a year...not just when we're pregnant. This deep cleaning business is great!!!


Lani said...

I could sure use that nesting instinct again! SHEESH! :) With us moving you would think I would be packing like crazy...nope...just procrastinating as usual!

We are praying for you guys! Can't wait to meet new baby albin! :)

Aleah said...

That's great that Kallen has a little friend next door, hopefully they'll stay friends. Childhood friends are the best!
Good luck on the crazy nesting urges, I mean good luck sitting down and relaxing! ; )
All these contractions will hopefully mean a shorter labor for you!

Amy... said...

Good luck with your VBAC. My SIL just had a successful one with a 9 lb baby and she's 5'1" !! I bet you'll do great!

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Glad to hear that you're keeping busy, especially this close to the end of your pregnancy! I can't wait to meet your new little one...