
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Snot and Sleepless Nights.

I previously hadn't posted my darling daughters sleep patterns, for fear of jinxing the amazing nights we were having. Well...those nights have taken a slight turn, so here I am begging and pleading for the end of our snotty sleepless nights.

Starting around 5 weeks or so, Kynlee began sleeping 8 and 9 hours at a stretch. It was definitely a wonderful turn of events from the multiple times a night we were up in the beginning. Then at week 7, I decided to put her in her own room so that I might possibly get some sleep myself...(The nonstop grunting and moving throughout the night was making it hard to sleep.) Well, that night, Kynlee slept from 8:00 until 6:30 the next morning. Yep...10 1/2 hours. Each night after that, she continued to sleep the 10 1/2 and 11 hours. Oh bliss...sweet bliss!

Then the snot came. Within days our house was filled with coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes...we were all getting sick! Kynlee woke up the first night unable to breathe through her nose. The next night, same story...up around 3:00, then again the next.

Now here we are going on night number 4, and my hope is this nasty bug has begun passing through our house, and my nights will once again go back to being restful!


Anonymous said...

I hear the bug is going around. I'm hoping you guys can kick it fast. It definitely doesn't sound like much fun, especially with two kiddos.

Amy... said...

Going backwards in the sleep department is no fun...especially with snot!

Hope health comes soon to your house!

Aleah said...

We all have colds also. Funny how that happens right when the weather switches!
Hope you have a full nights sleep again SOON!

Lani said...

Our house, too!!! UGH!!! I have walked Tori from 2 to 5 AM for the past three nights. And then Andrew is up multiple times with his cough, snotty nose and sore throat. *sigh*Hang in there!!!

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

I don't think I realized that Kynlee's middle name is Rose until now. If we have another girl next, we want to name her Avery Rose after my grandmother. It's a beautiful name.

I hope that Kynlee starts a better sleeping schedule soon. My fingers are crossed!

PS LOVE that picture in your header.