
Monday, September 3, 2007

Pretty in Pink

So, Kallen has finally started to figure out how to put on his own clothes. Sure, sometime his legs end up in the arm holes, or his shorts become a hat, but for the most part he's got it all figured out.

Well lately, his favorite thing to do, is get into his sister's chest of drawers, and try her clothes on too. As funny as that in itself is...The other day Kevin and I found him standing in front of his mirror saying "I am so cute", over and over again, in a high pitched voice with a little added infliction for emphasis! That's my BOY!!!


Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

What a handsome little princess! :)

Aleah said...

Now, that's a nice outfit! Can you imagine showing him that when he's a teenager, :)