
Friday, September 7, 2007


Well...this is my 100th post, and for the past couple of days I've been trying to figure out something cleaver to post about. Maybe 100 things I've learned from blogging, or 100 things to blog about and possibly not blog about, etc. etc. I have come up with nothing however, so therefore I'll resort to writing about something very often found here on "So Anyways..."; my children!!!

Okay, so when Kynlee was a week or so old, Kevin and I decided to introduce her to a bottle. Kevin wanted to be able to participate in feeding her, and I thought it would be nice to have a break every once in a while!

She did great with the bottle and we had no problems! Perfect, she'll be easy just like Kallen! Well, after a few days we had company over, went on a couple of vacations, and quite simply weren't home in the evenings to continue our little routine. No big deal we thought...she took to the bottle so easily that she'll have no problems picking it back up's just like riding a bike right? Wrong.

About a week ago, we realized that I have ounces and ounces of milk stored up in the freezer (a hundred or so to be exact) and that we hadn't been feeding Kynlee out of the bottle in a long time. We felt that it was time to start up again, just in case she forgot what to do. Well...too late. She just sat and played with the bottle, rolling it around in her mouth, and gagging when any milk came out. We tried and tried, and finally stopped when the screaming started!

All I could think about was "what were we going to do with all that milk (cream for your coffee anyone...just kidding)?" I had several people tell me that their kids never would take a bottle so not to worry about it. Well...I wasn't going to stop there.

We have been trying and trying every night for the past week (and I've been trying off and on during the day), and finally last night...Success!!!

We had some friends, Aaron and Hollie, over for dinner and football, and when it was time to feed Kynlee, Hollie offered to give it a go! After several minutes of playing with the bottle once again, she finally latched on and started drinking it! Yes...Persistence pays off right!!! Now she'll get a bottle every night, no matter whose around or where we're at...otherwise, what have I been pumping all that milk for!

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