
Monday, April 7, 2008

As the Dust Settles...

...or rather...washes down the drain, we are adjusting to being home again.

Piles of laundry line the hall, left over food stacked on the counter, mail and newspapers waiting to be sorted, and emails waiting to be responded too...we are getting there!

For those of you who don't know, we've had a whirlwind last week and a half, that actually seems more like a month or so.

Last Wednesday, March 26th, Kallen left with Kevin's mom and Dad to hang out at their vacation cabin for a few nights. Kevin, Kynlee and I drove over on Friday night only to be split up again. Kevin and Kallen joined the rest of the "men" in the family at my brother and sister-in-law's, while the "gals" of the family stayed at the cabin. A guys weekend, and a girls weekend! Fun, fun, fun! Us ladies shopped, till we dropped, talked, watched girly movies and just plain hung out! The guys rode horses, played in the dirt, watched some basketball and old westerns, and tried to plan and eat meals without the assistance of us ladies...I guess they basically starved! Needless to say, it was a great time, although the 5 days away from Kallen was WAY too long for me!

We came home for 2 days, only to run off again Tuesday night. We headed over the mountain yet again to join some friends for a family camping trip. Camper sitting on the truck, trailer loaded with the four wheelers and miscellaneous toys, food and clothes we go!

We truly had a blast, and enjoyed riding our four wheelers, playing with our friends in the woods, and hanging out as a family! Sighhhhhh...although we had's good to be home!

Home sweet home for the last few days

After their first ride together with the group...Kallen fell asleep!

Yup...helmet and all...asleep!

Racin' his buddy Dawson...D was trying to cut him off...cheater!!!

Kynz and I getting ready to ride...yep, she's in there...can you see her!

Shooting his gun with Daddy!

A view from camp


1 comment:

Lani said...

Looks like a great time! How fun! Can't wait to take the kiddos camping this summer! Its been forever since we've been!