
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

He Must Get it From His Dad!!!

As I sit TIRED, and oh so STUBBORN son, is once again (remember the egg incident)refusing to eat his lunch. Actually...we are now going on 2 hours (2 hours, 10 minutes to be exact), and he is still refusing to eat. He has been crying, screaming, picking his nose, twiddling his thumbs, trying to sleep (though I wont let him), and continually pushing his food away!

The thing is...he isn't necessarily refusing to eat because he doesn't want the food, but rather because he wants me to feed him. I tell him "'re a big boy", and the screaming fit starts all over again. You see...we have been very lucky that Kallen really hasn't shown any jealousy issues towards Kynlee herself, however he often gets jealous of the things we do for her. She gets carried a lot of places...when she cries, we try to figure out what's wrong...and yes, we feed her. Kallen has decided that he too needs to be carried, he needs to cry and whine if he needs something, and the only way he is going to eat anything is if we feed him as well.

The presently ongoing rebellion against feeding himself has now turned into an out and out power struggle and the fact that he isn't "winning" is really starting to anger him. He tried the "I need to go potty" trick, and I simply carried him into the bathroom, let him go, and carried him back to his chair where his oh so cold and unappetizing lunch awaited him.

2 hours 20 minutes now...I don't know about you kid, but I could go all day!!!



Jessica and Joe said...

Yikes, good to know what I have to look forward to if another one is in my future.

Lani said...

You go, mom! Hang in is SO worth the fight in the end! :)