
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bite your tongue

Popcorn, soda and a little orange and black, to support the team, makes for a fun outing with the family...right??? Right...until the black looming cloud (the fans to our right) came "reigning" down!

Instead of finding a babysitter for this afternoons basketball game, Kevin and I decided to take the kids with us! We had a bag full of goodies, toys, popcorn to go around and were ready to cheer on our Beavers!

We sat down, Kynlee in the front pack, Kallen on Kevin's lap and the game began! The kids were happy, content, and not making a sound. Beavers have the ball, down the court, they shoot, they score!

Kallen: Clap, clap, clap "yeah, Beavers"
Rude, unhappy lady two seats to our right, talking to her equally rude husband: "Great...we're sitting by kids" sigh, glare, "hopefully they'll leave at halftime" sigh, "who in their right minds brings their kids to a game?" glare, shake the head, glare "well, what can you do?" more head shaking!
Kallen remains sitting quietly eating popcorn, while Kynlee is nearly asleep in the front pack!

Excuse me??? I can hear you. I didn't know this was a library! Pretty sure my son's clapping, and oh so quiet "yeah Beavers" is no louder or more distracting than any of the other fans around us! Isn't basketball a family sport?

I began to get angry, and wanted to call this woman out on her rude and inconsiderate assumptions of how the game would play out with children by her side, but thought better of it. What would yelling at this woman prove, and what would that teach my children who had no idea anything had transpired. I prayed that the Lord help me move past this, and that I "grow thick skin" as my dad always says, and enjoy the game. Moments later the seats in between us, and said fans, were about to be filled. While walking in front of us, and taking their seats, a different woman and her husband turned to me and said "you have such beautiful and well behaved children...what a lovely family!" Thank you Lord for helping me bite my tongue!


Dani said...

Confession: I was hoping you were going to say that you gave her the smack down and did a full nelson right there at the game...good thing you didn't though for multiple reasons! Way to go Kate!

Lani said...

Yeah, Dani is right--you did the right thing. But I have to confess like Dani did--I was so totally waiting for the fight! CAT FIGHT! GO KATI!!! *sigh*

Laura said...

Way to take the high road Kati!!! You rock! There is nothing I hate more than strangers jugding my kids when they aren't even doing anything annoying.
Thanks for being a great example:)

Mikaila said...

Man, the stuff people say in public make me so mad and make me feel so protective! Way to go on biting your tongue and woo hoo for the nice lady complimenting your family. :o)

Kim said...

Good for you hon, people can honestly be so self centered and rude. She could've made a good situation out of it and clapped and cheered WITH him, but ohhhh no, that may make her happy! Some people.