
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just Clownin' Around

Halloween and I have never been very good friends at all! I don't decorate for the day but rather for the season! I've got leaves, pumpkins, scarecrows, and the like scattered throughout my house. A ghost, goblin or haunted house...I have not...The same way my mom used to, and still does, decorate. That being said...As kids, we always enjoyed dressing up and going out and about to "Trick or Treat" (maybe a little contradictory, but still)...and now...I enjoy dressing my kids up! One rule we have however, (the same rule my mom and dad had) is nothing dark, scary or evil of any kind! When you look at the Halloween costumes that are found at the store, it is amazing how many of those dark, scary and evil costumes there are...even for the little guys! That may be one of the reasons, aside from the fact that it's so much fun, that my mom always made our costumes. I can only think of one time that we bought a costume, and that was when I was 5 because I REALLY wanted to be this smurf that I saw at the store!

I decided to try and carry out the same tradition and make my kids costumes! Last year Kallen was a chicken made from stuffed onesies, feather boas, and rubber gloves...a Martha Stewart idea mind you!!!

Well this year I decided to take one from the "Craig & Karri costume idea vault" (my brother and sister-in-law), and Kallen was a "Rodeo Clown". He didn't dig the face paint, and had a really hard time with the idea of suspenders, but all in all he pretty much sauntered around and played the part of a goofy rodeo clown very well!

Where we live, the downtown association has always put on a trick-or-treat extravaganza. The businesses that would like to participate, open their doors and offer kiddos in costume treats! The mass chaos that is the downtown area on Halloween offers lots and lots of interesting people and things to see!

From free ice cream cones at Dairy Queen, to leaves in the park, Kallen had a great time walking around and taking in the sights. Occasionally I could get him to walk into a store and actually "trick or treat", but for the most part he was content just walking, which was definitely fine by me!

Kynlee on the other hand, basically slept the whole time in the front pack, and hardly made more than a peep! I was a bit of a slacker when it came to her and didn't even make a costume! I think she'll forgive me that she didn't dress up for Halloween at 4 months! The sad part is that I took about 100 pictures of Kallen, and not a single picture of my sleeping beauty! Poor girl, I'll have to make up for it later!!!

Eatin' ice cream with his cowboy buddy Dawson!


Welcome Classmates! said...

I LOVE that you are so invested in making Kallen and Kynlee's costumes. I think it is a great tradition to carry on. Halloween was --- and continues to be --- my mother's absolute least favorite holiday but she still managed to dress us up and take us out trick-or-treating. What parents will do for their little ones. :) Kallen looks absolutely adorable! As soon as I get the pictures on the computer I will write about our Halloween too. :)

Lani said...

I agree about nothing dark! Same rule at our house! I LOVE his costume! Seems like cowboys were pretty popular this year! :) You'll have to check out my blog for Andrew's costume. :)

Jessica and Joe said...
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Jessica and Joe said...

I love the chicken idea, the rubber gloves are great as feet! Dawson is getting so big also. Looks like Kallen had fun, and what a handsome cowboy he makes!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, SUCH cute photos!!!

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

I think that was the cutest little clown costume I've ever seen. He is such a lucky little boy. Our eldest children sure are growing fast, aren't they?!

Kim said...

I too agree with the no darkness, it's just too scarey for them, i think, I mean I have been re decorating Landen's room as a pirate theme and have had a really hard time finding things "pirate" that aren't dark and scarey.

Cute costumes, you are very creative!

Unknown said...

He is so cute!!