
Thursday, April 19, 2007

28 weeks - Is someone sitting on my chest?

Here we are at 28 weeks, and the beginning of the third trimester.

I've heard for some women this is a very relaxing time in the pregnancy and things just run smoothly from here on out. Yeah, I'd like to know where those women are??? No, I'm only kidding. That was definitely the case when I was pregnant with Kallen. I had no issues to speak of other than the occasional SLIGHT heartburn attack. I was comfortable, full of energy, and often times forgot I was even pregnant...other than the humongous growth that was protruding from the middle region of my body! Anyways...things this time, are not so.

I have been having the worse bouts of heartburn I could ever imagine, and literally have such a lack of energy that I find myself crawling around the house to get places. Also if I'm down on the floor, Kallen doesn't think he has to be up in my arms all the time, which drains my daily allowance of energy to nothing.

When these heartburn attacks first began, I thought I was dying and that I needed Kevin to take me to the emergency room. I quite frankly thought I was having a panic attack or something because the first episode was the night before I left for Alaska. The whole next day I felt as if someone was sitting on my chest, making it nearly impossible to breath. The good ol' trusty doc recommended Zantac and said the symptoms should clear up within an hour. I watched that clock like a hawk, and the doctor was only about an hour off in her times. It took almost two hours to feel any relief, but when I did...Oh sweet relief!!!

Now I sleep propped up with several pillows (almost sitting), don't eat at least three hours before bed, and watch foods that seem to trigger the symptoms (which actually seems to be anything, so I'm a little stuck in that department!)

I keep telling myself it's all worth it to see my precious little babe here in another 3 months, but then 3 months sounds like I say 12 weeks...uhgg, still sounds like forever...what about 84 it really that long?


Lani said...

Heartburn is the worst! Mine has been bad this pregnancy, too. MUCH worse than with Andrew. But you're almost there! Those three months/12 weeks/84 days will go by in a flash with Kallen around to keep you busy. We're at the "any day now" stage which is exciting. But I will miss my alone time with Andrew...

Oh yeah--you look great! :)

Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

So sorry dear! I didn't have that, but I do know about the sleeping upright stuff. And, it WILL be worth it in the long run, right?

Aleah said...

My heart burn was able to be taken away by tums, so it wasn't bad at all I guess!
Sounds awful what you're going through.
And exhausted more so the 2nd(& 3rd & 4th) time around...yup!
I would just lay on the couch (especially with the 4th) with my ear detectors on wanting to sleep so bad and not to mention trying not to puke!
Love the belly picture! : )
Thanks for the comment!


Amy... said...

Kati, I had it really bad as well! Oh, it is just terrible! Zantac did seem to help, but not all the way. I'm so stinks! Your belly is looking cute! Amy