
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Let's try this again!

Once again we're trying the "big boy bed", and hopefully we can avoid the events of last time. So far things seem to be going great, but we're only on day you never know!

I'm starting to get the babies room ready for our new arrival (even though we still have three months), and getting Kallen out of the crib, is one of the first steps! Last time we tried this, I left the crib in his room, so there was a since of familiarity (not sure where I got that logic, but oh well). This time I've completely taken it out, and the only option is his bed.

For Monday's nap, I laid down with him until he fell asleep, then quietly removed myself from his room. At bedtime, we didn't have to because he was almost asleep as soon as his head hit the sheets. Yesterday's nap time was the same...lay with him until he falls asleep, then sneak out. Bedtime once problem!

Now today is going to be the big test. We have Dawson today and I can't really leave him out in the living room while I lay with Kallen for a few minutes! Everyone can just pray that things go well, and Kallen doesn't get too carried away with all the freedom of being able to roam around his room! He should figure it out...right???


Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Oh, I can so relate to this post! We had a heck of time transitioning Devyn to her big-girl bed. (We learned a HARD lesson about co-sleeping!) Anyway, I'm happy to report that she's now sleeping through the night in her big-girl bed. You'll be SO happy you made this move. =)

Lani said...

We've been trying to switch Andrew, but because he and Tori will be sharing a room, the crib has to stay so he gets used to seeing it, but not sleeping in it. UGH...not sure it will happen BEFORE baby arrives. She may be sleeping in her portable crib for a little while! :) Let me know how it goes!