
Friday, March 16, 2007

The House can Wait!

Well, it's 8:45 in the morning, and I've basically just rolled out of bed. I took the dog out, grabbed some yogurt and grape nuts, and headed to the computer for my morning email check! what? You see, Kevin's mom and dad took Kallen over the mountain to their cabin last night (we're joining them as soon as Kevin gets off work). They thought it would be fun for them, and it would give Kevin and I a night alone to hang out and spend some time together! Great idea...only, what do we do? When Kevin got home yesterday, we both kind of looked at each other and began the whole back and forth "what do you want to do?" "I don't know...what do you want to do?" Is Kallen really that central in our lives? I guess so!

We finally settled on mapping out the plans for our yard...since our beautiful little house is still surrounded by a muddy moat, picked up a barbecue at my mom and dads, got some Taco Bell for dinner and headed to some friends to watch a late night movie! We were home and in bed around 11:30, which is WAY past our normal 9:30/10:00 bedtime, and here I am this morning, with the same delima...What now?

Yesterday when I knew Kallen was going to be gone, I wrote down a list of "to do's"...Deep clean the house, Paint the living room, babies room, and master bath, finish cleaning and organizing my craft room, reorganize the pantry, etc, etc, etc...I know...those things don't seem like something you would want to do when you have a day away from the kiddo, but they're all things that need to be done, and would be rather difficult with Kallen tugging at my legs the whole that was my list. Now that it's morning time, I've had breakfast, and it's time to start in on the day...I think I may just grab a blanket, some hot chocolate, and curl up on the couch with a good book! There's nothing wrong with that...right!!!

1 comment:

Lani said...

Absolutely nothing wrong with that!!! :)