
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Once again, God was right!

* So, I don't know what the deal is with this post, and why it's all running together, but I've tried to change it and can' sorry, you'll just have to read it anyways!!!
I attended my first ever MOPS group this morning, and I had a REALLY great time! Here is a little blurb about MOPS from the website ( for those of you who don't know about it:
MOPS is about ...
Celebrating motherhood
Meeting needs
Making Connections
Experiencing God’s love...
through relationships and resources.

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. MOPS International exists to meet the needs of every mom - urban, suburban and rural moms, stay-at-home and working moms, teen, single and married moms - moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! MOPS recognizes that the years from infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs.
MOPS helps moms through relationships established in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children. MOPS also encourages and supports moms through resources such as books, this Web site and the MOPS international Membership.
So...we attended our first meeting (sounds like AA doesn't it) and this is how the day has played out so far. Sorry if it gets kind of lengthy, I'm really jazzed about the whole thing, so that tends to make me ramble...big surprise. Anyways...Kallen decided to wake up at 6:15 this morning, and start screaming at the top of his lungs. Now, he wasn't screaming, like a crying scream, but instead an ear piercing screech followed by a gut wrenching laugh. Apparently he thought it was funny to wake up in such a manner. I didn't find it quite as amusing, but let him have his little fun while I peeled myself out of bed, pulled on some sweats and managed to find my way to his room. There he was sitting in the corner of his crib, clapping his hands and talking to the little stuffed cow who shares his crib space!
I knew we needed to be at the church from 9:00-11:00, so I was really hoping the little guy would sleep until 8ish, so he could take his morning nap when we got home, and it wouldn't throw him off too much. Nope...Now I was having to deal with the fact that I would be dropping him off in a nursery where he's never been before, with kiddos and adults, he's never seen, and smack dab in the middle of nap time to top it all off. Sighhh.
The thought kept running through my mind, that maybe today wouldn't work out, and I'd just have to go in two weeks when they meet again. I prayed a lot about it throughout the morning, and God really put a peace on my heart that things would be okay! Okay God...I'm trusting we went!
We show up, and I have no idea where I'm going. This sweet little mom with a baby in a carrier, and a toddler in tow says..."Hi, is this your first time, follow me, I'll show you the ropes." Thanks mom who must know how it feels to be the "newbie" who walks around aimlessly looking for direction, and never gets anywhere. She directed me to the area for the "Moppets" (our little cleaver) and made me feel right at home. I walked in and nervously set Kallen down, who immediately climbed out of my arms, set his sippy cup along the wall, and ran straight for the toys and other kids. Uh yeah...okay...bye Kallen...Love ya too.
At this point, I had mixed emotions. I was sad that Kallen wasn't tugging and pulling at my legs to not let me out of the room, but excited that he wanted to explore, and didn't need me right there by his side. Okay, Phase 1 complete!!! I told the lady working that he hadn't had his morning nap, and I wasn't sure how this would all work. I had a binki and sippy cup if he needed some comfort, and to feel free to come get me any time! If we needed to leave early, it would be okay, since this was our first time and all! "No problem" she says! Great...moving onto Phase 2!
I get upstairs with the other moms and am quickly accepted as an ol' member whose never been away! Everyone was talking about babies, friends, how there past couple of weeks went and so on and so forth. There was the magic word...Talking...There was no awkward sitting time where people were sizing each other up, and thinking about the next thing on our to do list for the day. There was no time for that...just chatter, chatter, chatter. So far, so good.
The meeting begins (I'll write about that tomorrow since this entry will carry onto next week if I don't bring it to an end at some point) and I'm really enjoying the company of each and every lady sitting around me!
Throughout our time, there were screaming babies, moms in and out trying to comfort their little "moppets", cell phones ringing, and lots and lots of discussion! It was so relaxed and exactly what I was hoping for!!!
The time was over, and I headed downstairs to get the little man, unsure of what I'd find there. Would he be crying, and someone was trying to comfort him? Would he be in "time out" in the corner, for being a bully? Maybe he was curled up in the corner with his binki and blanket. Who knows. Well...I got downstairs, and there he was sitting with the rest of the kids listening to a story! One of the workers came over and said he had done great, and all they had heard from his was his non stop chatter, but no tears! Yes...NO TEARS! Oh, such a proud moment for a mommy! We grabbed our things, signed out, and proceeded out to the car. As we walked down the hallway to the parking lot, Kallen turned around, gave a little wave like a pro, and headed outside!
No we're at home, Kallen just had lunch, and he's headed off to take his nap!
Thanks God...I'm glad we went!


Lani said...

That sounds awesome! I have checked out MOPS here in Hermiston, but the "Moppets" room is full so I can't take Andrew. :( I'll have to get on the waiting list and wait until next season. But I'm looking forward to a time when I can go!

Mikaila said...

That's great! He's getting to be such a big boy!