
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Where has the time gone?

I spent most of the day yesterday staring at Kallen and wondering where the time has gone. Over the past few weeks, I've been in the process of cleaning out my sewing/scrapbook room, and getting things organized so I can actually use it! Well, yesterday I came across several pictures from when Kallen was only a week old, and it truly amazed me how much he's changed in what feels like such a short amount of time. He's gone from a helpless little baby who needs us for everything...from rolling over, to food and a little boy who's growing and exploring the world all on his own (with our guidance of course).

I look at Kallen now, and it's hard to remember him as that helpless little baby. It definitely makes me stop and think how precious time is, especially time spent with my little boy. Soon he wont be my sole thought, and I'll have to share my time with his little brother or sister. I can't wait for this house to be filled with so much love that it's bursting at the seams, but until then...I want to cherish every moment I have with Kallen alone, and not let the time pass without enjoying all the little things!

Our friends Aaron and Hollie got Kallen this little hat, and the moment we put it on him was the moment I realized how grown up he's getting. No longer is he wearing the little infant "mock" baseball hats with the flimsy bill and stretchy back. He's actually wearing a child sized pro back cap, and it fits (I'm sure his 90th percentile head size has something to do with that, but still).


Lani said...

He's such a big boy! It IS scary how fast the time goes. I am trying to make the most of the every day with Andrew right now--just because I know things will be so very different when No. 2 arrives. He's using more words, doing more things on his own and amazes me every single day with everything he learns. *sigh* No fair making the pregnant lady cry!!!

Mikaila said...

That is an awesome hat, Kallen! You are one cool dude! I can't wait to see you teach your new brother or sister all the things that YOU have learned while exploring the world!