
Sunday, March 11, 2007


I'm in Love with Mud

I'm in love with mud,
It's sad, I know, but true.
I just can't help but splash in it,
Or stomp a path right through.

It's sticky and it's dirty,
And it covers all my clothes.
But when I see it lying there,
A voice inside me grows...

You can't resist, you know I'm right,
It's fun to play in mud!
Look at it just sitting there,
I really think you should!

I splatter in the grimy gloop,
I can't resist the ooze!
I run, I jump, I stamp about,
It drips into my shoes!

~Gareth Lancaster


Lani said...

I love it!! He looks like he's having so much fun! :)

Mikaila said...

Mud is the best outdoor fun there is! Well, that and water. =)