
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hand clappin', throw your head back, laugh till it hurts, excitement

On any given Sunday, there are millions of men, women and children watching the ever popular game we call football. There are bets being made, dreams being achieved, and all around excitement or dismay depending on the outcome of "your teams" game. Well today was no different. Would it be the Saints or the Bears? The Colts or the Patriots? Those were the debates all over the country.

Kevin and I went to our friends Mandi and Mark's house to watch the big games. After the Saints disheartening loss to the Bears, Kevin and Mark made a quick trip down to the local supermarket, to purchase a Sports Action ticket. Sports Action, for those who don't know, is a Lottery game where you pick certain statistics about the games, and bet on them. We don't generally make it a practice to bet on the games, but being this was such a special game...Kevin thought he would go for it.

We went through the game with the fate of their tickets weighing on the "yoyo"ing score and miscellaneous statistics. Half time came around, and they were still looking good on their bets. Only 2 more quarters until they could turn their little pieces of paper into cold hard cash!!! The previous few times that Kevin has put his money into this silly little game, he's, needless to say, he didn't have too high of hopes this time either. the game neared an end, things were looking up on both Kevin and Mark's tickets. Kevin needed one more field goal to be kicked, and the Colts to win by 3 1/2. Mark also needed the Colts to win by 3 1/2 and to not have any more sacks.

I've never seen Kevin so "into" a game. He was on the edge of his seat, jumping up and down when things went his way, and throwing his head between his legs when things didn't. There was a particular play in the game where the Colts Reggie Wayne had the ball, and fumbled it straight up in the air. Kevin jumped up off the couch so fast, and tried to grab the ball himself. It was so funny. He didn't even realize he was doing it! No worries...Wayne got it back!

Anyways...the Colts ended up winning the game, for those of you who didn't hear, and Kevin won his bets! He was throwin' his head back, clappin' his hand, and giggling like a kid in a candy store. Who knew football could be so fun...or it's fans???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!! I get to see my sweetie grow all the way over in Alfalfa!! All of mine arn't babies anymore, but I still feel the need to crash on the couch the minute the dishes are done! Being a mom is not only a full time job, but a never ending job. Totally exhausting and yet more rewarding than anything else in the world!!
