
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Same ol' genes

Growing up I told myself, when I became a mom, I would make it a goal to not freak out about the same things my mom used to, and sometimes still does. Like choking for example. My mother could "sense" a choking person 3 miles away, and she was always right there to make sure they were okay. We all used to laugh at her and tell her to relax, it's no big deal. I was going to be different. I was going to be mellow and calm in those situations!!!

Of course I felt that way until I had a choking child of my own. Just the other day Kallen was eating a carrot, and began to choke. I was across the room, and heard the whole event unfold. To my dismay, I was the only person (other than my mom of course, bless her heart) who seemed to think it was a big deal. I began acting like an animal, climbing over anything and everyone to get to my "almost dying" son. He was obviously choking and gagging, while everyone stood there and watched, telling me "he'll cough it out." Oh, is that why he's all red, his eyes are watering, and no sound is coming out of his mouth? And that's when it hit me ........................ I've become my mother.

1 comment:

Mikaila said...

Happy anniversary to you!! I hope you and Kevin get some time, just the two of you, to celebrate. =)