
Monday, January 8, 2007

Refreshing...not daunting!

When we first moved into our new house, I went a little crazy with the cleaning routine. I had scheduled days that I did certain things, and even wrote them all down on note cards. Purple cards were the things I did daily, Yellow were weekly, blue bi-monthly, pink were monthly, and the plain old white cards were chores I had scheduled to do seasonally. Everything was going great. Bathrooms got cleaned on Wednesdays, Laundry on Tuesdays, mop the floors on Friday and so on and so forth. By cleaning one or two things each day, the house always stayed relatively clean, and I didn't feel like I had been working for hours to get it that way. Well everything is hunky dory until you bring another little kiddo into the mix, or until plans change on the scheduled bathroom cleaning day, and you can't get around to them until the next day which runs into kitchen appliance day...and yadda yadda yadda. I've watched Dawson a few different days now, and although it hasn't been a challenge to be with him and everything has been. So...this week I decided that last night (Sunday that is) I was going to do all the cleaning at once. I thought I would hate it because I would feel like I had been cleaning for hours...but I didn't. I'm so glad I did that. I woke up this morning, the house was bright and sparkly, and it was an all around refreshing way to start the week. I was chipper when Dawson got here this morning, and I'm still chipper at 3:30 as I'm typing this. Who knew those note cards would get thrown away just a few months after I'd made them. everyone but me...but still. I guess Sunday evening cleanings is the new thing for me!

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